Mighty Med Wiki
Just like taking diarrhea from a baby.





Superhero (formerly)
The Annihilator's henchman


Skylar Storm, Kaz, Oliver,


Other Calderans (Brothers and Sisters)


Skylar (possibly)


Kaz (formerly)
Skylar Storm (formerly)

Eye Color


Hair Color




First Seen

The Friend of My Friend is My Enemy

Last Seen

There's a Storm Coming

Portrayed By

Chase Austin

Experion was a superhero, but began working for The Annihilator, and later, Megahertz.


He was good friends with Skylar Storm, as they are both from Caldera. He had a history with her, and they reunited in The Friend of My Friend Is My Enemy. It was then revealed he had become evil and was working for The Annihilator, who had ordered him to capture Skylar because he was concerned she might regain her powers and seek revenge for being depowered.

He later made an second appearance in There's a Storm Coming, where he and his cellmate Megahertz. Experion agreed to help Kaz and Oliver break into the Annihilator Lair to get Skylar's powers back. Later Megahertz is surprised to learn Kaz visited Experion noting he tried to destroy him first, after Experion uses the phone he stole from Kaz to disable the prison force field, Megahertz borrows it to take a "selfie" of him blasting to prison guards. Entering the main wing they encounter Oliver, Kaz and Skylar. Megahertz tries to scare them by vaporizing a table with his power before defeating a security guard, as the fight continues he battles The Crusher, Owl girl, and Gray Granite before Kaz tricks Megahertz into hitting the hospital's positronic star with an electric blast causing it discharge a pulse that disables all the combatants powers allowing him and Megahertz to be taken back into custody.

Powers and Abilities


  • Calderan Physiology: As with all Calderans, he possesses natural abilities and functions alien to human beings, but common to his species which enable him to survive and adapt, in addition to his unique superpowers. Like all of his species, he was genetically engineered so that each Calderan possesses different powers or skills from others.
    • Acid Spit: Experion, like all members of his species, can expel acid with his saliva.
    • Limb Regrowth: Like all Calderans, he can regrow limbs and organs. Skylar can also do the same. His Calderan physiology allows him to regrow limbs, eyeballs, organs, and even a new head if they get destroyed. This is evident that it is a natural ability, as Experion took an eyeball out of his eye and it ultimately grew back while being in a power-neutralizing cell.
    • Weather Adaptation: Due to their unique physiology, Calderans are adapted to withstand and thrive in extremely high temperatures. However, temperatures around 3,000 degrees or below are frigid to them.
    • Superhumanly Acute Senses: Experion's senses are supernaturally acute, likely due to his Calderan physiology. This allows him to perceive even the slightest disturbances in his surroundings. However like the rest of his species Experion cannot see in the dark.
  • Magnetokinesis: Experion signature power is to levitate metal (i.e. Mighty Med desks), via magnetic fields and then use his gravity power to disintegrated them. He can also use this power to reprogram Mighty Med's security drones and use this power to steal Kaz's phone when he and Oliver came to visit him.
  • Gyrokinesis/Gravitokinesis: Like Skylar, Oliver mentioned that Experion has the ability to manipulate gravity. He used this ability to disintegrate objects (i.e. the Mighty Med desks) even when he levitated them with his magnetic power.
  • Paralysis/Paralyzation Inducement: Like Skylar, When the tips of his fingers turn purple, he can stun the victim, making him/her unable to move. When he does so they glow purple and usually release a surge of purple energy through the victim's body.
  • Space Survivability: Just like Skylar, Experion is able to survive the vacuum of space.
  • Superhuman Strength: Experion is able to exerting strong force from his muscles. He is superhuman strong enough to destroy a deadly meteor.
    • Super Jump: Experion can jump at high distance and land in the middle of the trio.
  • Superhuman Agility: Experion's agility is beyond the normal human levels
  • Superhuman Durability: Experion is able to recover/heal himself easily after The Crusher's super strong punches.


  • Tech Expert - Experion is skilled with technology, especially in hacking systems. He was able to create an algorithm on Kaz's phone to hack the force fields of his prison cell.
  • Deception/Manipulation: Experion was able to trick Skylar and Kaz that he came to visit Skylar but he didn't fool Oliver who hear him while treating Citadel.
  • Skilled Combatant: He shown impressive hand-to-hand combat skills during his battles with Skylar and was able to take on The Crusher. Experion's combat skills combine with his superpowers allow him to be a formidable opponent.


  • Darkness: He can't see in the dark, as no one on Caldera can. This is because Caldera is permanently illuminated by the light of the volcanoes and thus, the planet is never dark, so this adaption was never needed by their species.
  • Coal: Coal will incapacitate his species, and too much injected in him or prolonged exposure will kill him and turn her into a walking gas bomb. It similar to Kryptonite.
  • Terrestrial Sicknesses: Afflictions on Earth such as the cold or flu are more detrimental to the health of Calderans than to humans. If Experion gets infected, not only does it weaken him severely but it causes random, weaker versions powers to manifest in him uncontrollably.
  • Black Widower's Poison: Black Widower's poison will kill almost any superpowered being, including Calderans such as Experion.


  • Communicator: Experion had a wrist communicator that is attach to his right hand wrist, which he can open it and use it to contact The Annihilator and give him a mission report. However Oliver caught on to his conversation when he was using a super-sensitive stethoscope on Citadel. This was presumably confiscated from him when he was put in Mighty Max prison.



  • It is possible that the Annihilator used his serum to contaminate his superpowers, just like Skylar. However, his actions and later allegiance to Megahertz suggest he chose to work for the Annihilator willingly or he possibly did it because if he escape then so will Megahertz.
    • For an unexplained reason, he turned evil and started working for The Annihilator. It's not clear if he is still loyal to the Annihilator.
  • He used to be Skylar's best friend.
  • Kaz was a big fan of him until he found out he was evil.
  • According to Kaz he is the second coolest teenager in the universe.
  • His name sounds like Hyperion from Marvel Comics.
  • In the Season 1 finale, There's a Storm Coming , he helped Oliver and Kaz get Skylar's powers back. However, he only helped them so he could steal Kaz's phone and escape prison.
  • In the Mighty Max Prison, his cellmate was Megahertz.
  • His email address is MagnetDude@Caldera.outerspace
  • Considering how all female Calderans look like Skylar, it's possible all male Calderans look like Experion.
    • All Calderans are possibly related and are brothers and sisters.
  • Chase Austin also played Chad in the crossover episode The Haunted Thundermans, a character who was initially charismatic, but then turned out to be villainous because the Green Ghoul was controlling him. 
  • It's unknown if he knew Scarlett, who was also Skylar's best friend from Caldera.


Season 1

Season 2
